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This project was initiated by Community Stabilization Projct in collabration with community organizations, community members, and neighbors to enhance the capacity of individuals and groups to make healthy, nutritious choices; and to help transform their choices into desired action and outcomes that build stronger, healthier families and communities.


Who We Are: Community members and Organizations working to improve the present and future well-being of our infants,youth, adults, and families in our neighborhoods.


We Connect/Offer Residents:

* Housing resources to help stabilize families and enchance communities

* Healthier & Nutritional food choices

* How to prepare Healthy & Nutritious meals.

* Opportiunities for livable, affordable & healthy homes.

* Raised Bed Garden Box(s)

*Garden Education Workshops

*Community Garden Tours

*Access to Garden Plants & Garden Tools




  Planting seeds to get ready too grow new relationships and outreach to Community Residents to be

   engaged to have access to healthy, affordable food.






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